Welcome to the Blog…
If you’re looking for ways to infuse your life with magic, challenge your intuition, or shake up society’s standards for what’s expected of a modern, manifesting minx, you’ve come to the right place!
I post Astrology & Tarot-style content at the start of every week and periodically post on topics like Spells & Rituals, Sex & Dating, Fashion & Beauty, and Health & Wellness throughout the rest of the month. 4 post guaranteed, more when the energy calls.
Astro + Tarot Forecast: Mar 10-16 (Video)
The Virgo Full Moon Eclipse is coming to rock your world…are you ready to transform?
Astro + Tarot Forecast: Mar 3-9 (Video)
Something counterfeit is dead | Venus Rx + Mercury in Aries
Astro+Tarot Forecast: Feb 24-Mar 2
Sometimes rock bottom is the best surface to push off...Pisces New Moon + Venus Rx.
Astro+Tarot Forecast: Feb 17-23 (Audio)
Integrate your shadow or The Tower will do it for you!
+ a bonus energy clearing✨
Astro+Tarot Forecast: Feb 10-16 (Audio)
Love your shadow to love yourself to love someone else💗
Astro+Tarot Forecast: Feb 3-9 (Audio)
This post is also available as a free February preview on Substack.
Astro+Tarot Forecast: Jan 27-Feb 2
ICYMI: The Diary of a Demisexual Witch is now available on Substack! Preview the newest post to see which you like best.
Everything Wrong with the M-F Work Week, According to Astrology
Feeling productive on a Monday is always hard, but the effort required to motivate on the Monday following a holiday could cut glass. I should know—I planned to have this blog post done bright and early on the first Monday of the year, and yet, here it is hitting your feed on a Wednesday night instead.
Thankfully, according to astrology, I have an excuse.
Here’s why…
Astro-Forecast: January 2025
Channeled messages for the astrology of the month ahead—including Inauguration Day in the U.S.🇺🇸
Astro-Forecast: December 2024
I don’t know about you, but I love the last month of the calendar year. And not for holidays, snow, or parties. I love it because it feels like crunch time before finals. We’re all giving our best last push to make the grade before the year is over…
Plot Twist in the Third Act: An Election 2024 Energy Read
We’re training for a marathon, not a sprint. And boy, have we been well trained…
Astro-Forecast: November 2024
Buckle up, babes! November is one roller coaster you’re gonna want to be strapped in for. October gave us a slow build on the momentum, but that acceleration isn’t quite over.
Channeled Message: A Metamorphosis Awaits
A channeled message for the Collective from the energy at large:
Take a deep breath. That anxious feeling in your chest isn’t because something has gone wrong, but because something is about to go really right.
Astro-Forecast: October 2024
This feels like a Tower month but in the best of ways. For those who don’t speak Tarot, that means life may feel like it’s crumbling around you, but I get the feeling we’ll see the purpose in it all even as it’s happening. Stay the course. Keep your eye on the prize.
Back to School (w/ Extra Credit): A Collective Energy Read for Fall
This post is inspired by the intuitive messages I receive while sending the readers of this blog distance Reiki each month.
While the reading always represents the general collective, if you’d like to be a specific recipient of Reiki, follow my IG stories where I ask for any last-minute requests to be included just before sending out healing.
We may be starting back-to-school season, but the feeling in the air is that of finals time.
Astro-Forecast: September 2024
Let's get into the astrology of the month ahead...
September 1st: Uranus Retrograde begins - Uranus on a normal day is that weird, loose-cannon kid in class who says something unexpected to the teacher just to shake things up. This retrograde energy feels like a mix of intensifying and quieting that aspect in ourselves—the saying something part, not the weirdness. The weirdness will remain either way and likely will feel intensified.
Tossing You the Car Keys: A F*** the Patriarchy Energy Read
If you’ve been following me for the past 10 years online, you’ll know I am an eternal optimist when giving readings. I can spin even the worst-case scenario into a lesson worth learning because, honestly, that’s how I see things.
That said, even I can admit that the energy right now feels…heavy. Not heavy in a doomsday, let’s all crowd into a bunker sort of way, but heavy in that way that your bowels feel heavy right before you rid your body of massive amounts of s***—because that’s what’s about to happen.
Astro-Forecast: August 2024
First of all, in writing the title of this post, I almost typed August 2014. There's lots of astrology pointing back to patterns from 7-10 years ago so I don't consider this a random typo.
My first tip: check back to that date & see what was going on for you, it might give you insight into the cycles closing out this month.
Become a blog subscriber & gain exclusive access to 4+ posts a month from one of 5 categories: Astrology & Tarot, Spells & Rituals, Sex & Dating, Fashion & Beauty, or Health & Wellness.