Welcome to the Blog…
If you’re looking for ways to infuse your life with magic, challenge your intuition, or shake up society’s standards for what’s expected of a modern, manifesting minx, you’ve come to the right place!
I post Astrology & Tarot-style content at the start of every week and periodically post on topics like Spells & Rituals, Sex & Dating, Fashion & Beauty, and Health & Wellness throughout the rest of the month. 4 post guaranteed, more when the energy calls.
How to Change Your Face Shape Using Just Your Tongue (Really!)
“WTF is Mewing?” That’s what I kept thinking every time I saw a video pop up on my YouTube feed with this strange word in the title.
Become a blog subscriber & gain exclusive access to 4+ posts a month from one of 5 categories: Astrology & Tarot, Spells & Rituals, Sex & Dating, Fashion & Beauty, or Health & Wellness.