Welcome to the Blog…
If you’re looking for ways to infuse your life with magic, challenge your intuition, or shake up society’s standards for what’s expected of a modern, manifesting minx, you’ve come to the right place!
I post Astrology & Tarot-style content at the start of every week and periodically post on topics like Spells & Rituals, Sex & Dating, Fashion & Beauty, and Health & Wellness throughout the rest of the month. 4 post guaranteed, more when the energy calls.
Want to predict the future? Chart your cycle.
In my decade+ of channeling messages and reading tarot, I’ve found that one of the best ways to predict the future in your day-to-day life doesn’t involve cards, crystals, or even clairvoyance—
Dinner + A Movie: Nobody Wants This + Vegan/Gluten-Free Kimchi Pasta
When I had a semi-popular vegan blog in the early 2010’s, I started a segment called “Dinner & a Movie” where I’d pair a movie, TV show, or other piece of visual entertainment with a recipe that felt on-theme. It only had a few installments before I closed the blog in favor of my own website, but it was still one of my favorites—combining two things that speak to the core of my being: movies + delicious vegan food.
How to Survive Your Tree Pollen Allergies
As Seen on HuffPost | Spring is out in full force in Chicago and it’s brought a nasty, unwanted guest along with it: an ultra-high tree pollen count.
Become a blog subscriber & gain exclusive access to 4+ posts a month from one of 5 categories: Astrology & Tarot, Spells & Rituals, Sex & Dating, Fashion & Beauty, or Health & Wellness.