On Human Contact: An Empath’s Perspective
Originally “Scorpio Midheaven,” this series has been re-categorized as “Sex & Dating.”
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I once had a palm reader tell me that I didn't get enough hugs and kisses as a child. This statement offended my mother at the time. She insisted that I had been given plenty of love and attention as a child. However, in retrospect, I've realized that my palm reader might not have been entirely incorrect.
While my mother may have done her best, the first few months of my existence were decidedly lacking in hugs and kisses...or any truly consistent human contact at all.
Born three months premature, I experienced the first ten weeks of my life from the inside of an incubator in the hospital's ICU. Attachment parenting had yet to become a trend and while there was some contact during daily visits, any actual heartbeat-to-heartbeat bonding with mom and dad was restricted to 5 minutes, once a week...while the isolette was being cleaned.
So as it is with most of us, the thing that was found lacking in my earliest developmental stages became my adult obsession. Good or bad, I'm constantly contemplating (and often craving) physical connection.
But here's where things get tricky...
Perhaps as a result of an underdeveloped nervous system (an affliction that some speculate premature babies suffer from), I have what is considered a highly sensitive temperament. I tend to pick up on the energy and emotions of those around me, sometimes without even realizing it. Often referred to as being an empath, my susceptibility to this phenomenon is increased tenfold when I come into physical contact with someone.
With one hug, my body can register all of the stress of someone's day, often without realizing it's not my own emotions. Needless to say, this trait tends to make me pretty selective of who I share my body with.
In contrast, as a reiki healer, I have also seen firsthand just how healing touch can be. When practiced with intention, I believe that human contact can be used to positively shift anyone's well-being, no reiki attunement is required.
This healing power can be particularly true within the realms of sexual contact. After all, it is within our most intimate relationships that our wounds are made, and within those same connections, they heal. Intimate physical connection can raise or lower your vibration depending on the level of each person meeting.
The problem is that we often aren't fully aware of the energy that we bring into these scenarios. We know that we want to give physical pleasure, but often we tend to see things from a purely mechanical point of view rather than a vibrational one. We can even use sex as a bandaid, a temporary distraction from our emotional wounds (rather than the healing balm it could be).
As an empath, I can tell you that wounds left untreated just get further infected and even the most flawless sexual technique can't make up for the crash left after an encounter with lower energy vibrations.
How to Protect Your Empathic Energy & Become Your Own Healer
I say this not to attack those less than mindful of their energy, but to increase our mindfulness around the energy we bring into these scenarios.
It's nearly impossible for light and dark to exist within the same space. Therefore, the more you become mindful of connecting to others in a positive and healing way, the more you'll attract that same type of mindfulness into your experience.
Take the power of your touch seriously, it can be a weapon of mass destruction or a magic wand, it all depends on whether you've cleaned up your side of the street.
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