Tossing You the Car Keys: A F*** the Patriarchy Energy Read
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If you’ve been following me for the past 10 years online, you’ll know I am an eternal optimist when giving readings. I can spin even the worst-case scenario into a lesson worth learning because, honestly, that’s how I see things.
That said, even I can admit that the energy right now feels…heavy. Not heavy in a doomsday, let’s all crowd into a bunker sort of way, but heavy in that way that your bowels feel heavy right before you rid your body of massive amounts of s***—because that’s what’s about to happen.
Let’s back up a moment…
I started sending distance Reiki to the collective again this past weekend. I used to do it every week during lockdown, but I stopped when I realized I needed to establish better energetic boundaries for myself. Now that those boundaries are pretty firmly in place, I’m dipping my toe back in with a short list of names from subscribers to this blog + a few IG followers who have requested to be a part of the recipient’s list.
Without realizing it, one of the things I’d missed most about this practice was how dipping into the energy of a larger group of individuals proved to provide insights for the overall collective. Yes, we are all beautiful, unique snowflakes, but we’re still floating around in the same cold, icy air together.
So, with that in mind, here’s a mini-channeled message on how the energy of the moment is influencing us & if you’re energy aware, you’ve probably already been feeling it.
You know that feeling in a horror film where the knife-weilding murderer has just been shot several times in the chest, fell to the ground, and the final girl is standing over him with a look of relief on her face? If you’ve seen any horror film ever, “that feeling” as the audience watching is not one of relief. Why? Because experience has taught you it’s never that easy. You’re waiting for that final jump scare & that anticipation causes an immense amount of tension in the air.
THAT is what the energy feels like right now. You’re tired. And frankly, you should be. You’ve fought a long and hard battle and you deserve some rest. But deep down you know that there’s one last push, that you have to stay on guard for one final shot to the head. Ok, so this is getting a little gruesome, but you get the metaphor.
“Who’s the knife weilding murderer,” you might ask? Well there’s always the macro and the micro. The macro is easy, it’s outdated patriarchal norms, predjudices, and oppressive systems that are currently laid out bleeding on the ground, nearly dead…but not quite. As you continue to wait for that final jump scare, remember it’s just that—FINAL. If you’re familiar with Tarot, this is Nine of Wands energy: “I know you' can’t see it with that blindfold over your eyes, but you’re so close to the top of the staircase! Don’t give up now!”
The micro is where things get a little more complex. You see, these themes (sexism, racism, oppression, gaslighting) all show up in your personal lives on a regular basis. What you may not realize though, is that the way you take in, digest, and respond to these events either helps or hurts the collective as a whole on the macro. If you’re sick of seeing something on the global stage, ask yourself where that same theme shows up in your day to day life and if you’re doing something to change those patterns as well.
Themes you might want to reset your mindset around: money, self-worth, underearning, undervaluing, sensuality, kink-shaming, competition, comparison, winning vs learning, victor vs martyr, fear of public opinion
Body parts that might be affected by this energy: neck & shoulders (particularly right side), stomach, intestines, reproductive organs, throat, tongue, skin
Astrology surrounding this energy: Pluto Rx inching slowly through “power to the people” Aquarius and back towards “money is my god” Capricorn (descriptions not to be seen as qualities for people with these signs, but as the current cosmic weather there), Mercury Rx creating some “who the f*** is in charge here?” confusion
Lyrics from the spirits: “And you were tossing me the car keys, “F*** the Patriarchy” keychain on the ground…” *
This line from Taylor Swift’s All Too Well (10-minute version) has been playing on a loop in my head every morning for almost a week. I always treat songs stuck in my head as potential messages, but this goes doubly true when it happens first thing in the morning—before TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube have influenced my current earworm.
When songs come through as messages, they can be interpreted in a few ways:
as a line interpretation of the chosen lyric
as a general, overall theme from the song as a whole
as a catalyst to jog a memory or emotion related to the message that needs to come through
In this case, it’s most definitely option 1.
You, the final girl/activist/collective power-taker, are about to be tossed the car keys to the future…are you ready? Can you persist for one last jump scare to vanquish the villain?
I believe in you! (see: aforementioned optimism)
*Because I know a fellow Swiftie is bound to ask, HERE is the link from which the teaser image was sourced.
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