Astro-Forecast: December 2024
I don’t know about you, but I love the last month of the calendar year. And not for holidays, snow, or parties. I love it because it feels like crunch time before finals. We’re all giving our best last push to make the grade before the year is over, but really, it’s what you’ve done up until this point that will determine if you actually succeed. Or maybe it’s just that I’m a classic procrastinator and feel I thrive on a last-minute deadline.
Thankfully, the astrology of the month is handing us plenty of opportunities to start and stop. Take advantage of the momentum when things are going well and don’t push too hard when things feel stalled. Rest when the universe puts up a 2-hour delay notice and enjoy a few extra breaths where you can.
December 1st: New Moon in Sagittarius - This one feels expansive. Partly because Jupiter is in the opposite sign. If you’re a manifestation ritual or magic spell-type person, this is a great energy to indulge in those practices. Think BIG, but know that you’ll also likely get distracted along the way. Sagittarius is all about the journey. Know where you’re going, but enjoy the ride.
December 2nd: Mercury trine Chiron - The wounded healer has found their voice…or at least feels like clearing their throat to think about speaking. This is a great day to communicate your fears, your desires, and talk through what’s holding you back from feeling truly healed. Therapy sessions may abound today, but if you don’t find yourself on the metaphorical couch, at least journal some things out. It will feel cathartic.
December 2nd: Venus trine Uranus - The universe supports getting weird with your partnerships today. Think of this as a preview for the upcoming Venus is Aquarius later on in the week. Trust that truth and progress can go hand in hand with beauty and sweet talking. Even global revolution doesn’t always have to be ugly. Think of this as a moment where you place a daisy in a gun barrel to stop the fighting, whether personally or globally.
December 4th: Mercury opposite Jupiter - You’ll either win big with honest communication today or you’ll end up losing your shirt (take that as the metaphor or a saucy invitation, but if it’s the latter, expect miscommunication).
December 4th: Sun square Saturn - You’re learning hard lessons around any tendencies to wander or daydream without direction. Get clear on your mission and you’ll get clear on your vision.
December 5th: Mercury Cazimi - The Sun is magnifying mercury’s energy in Sagittarius today. Let your mouth run away with your thoughts, say what you feel without overthinking it.
December 6th: Mars Rx begins - The planet of action (in fire sign Leo, no less) could be feeling a bit stalled. There’s nothing fire energy hates more than feeling boxed in so be mindful of any risks for explosion. Tamper your temper and give your energy something productive to do like exercise. You may be running in place, but at least you’re getting the combustion out.
December 7th: Neptune goes direct - You’re free to live out your dreams again! Use Neptune’s Piscean intuition to your advantage and chart your course towards whatever your unconscious desires.
December 7th: Venus enters Aquarius - Love is about to get a little more logical. Not that love ever is, but it will at least play the part. Expect your relationship discourse to feel a little like arranging an experiment with a lab partner—there could be some combustion involved, but it’s in a controlled environment with plenty of data to analyze.
December 10th: Sun trine Chiron - There’s a sliver of light shining onto something you thought you healed. Take care of it now and it will be relatively easy, ignore it and the shadow will continue to grow.
December 12th: Venus opposite Mars - Love and sex are not on the same page right now. Be mindful that your lover may not be on the same page either. Communicate your intentions as best you can.
December 13th (a Friday): Mercury sextile Venus - “Let’s Talk About Sex” just started playing in my head. Take from that what resonates.
December 15th: Gemini Full Moon - What were you manifesting in June that’s ready to wrap up or be celebrated? Find out what house Gemini aligns with in your natal chart for a hint on where you’re closing out a task or mini-chapter.
December 15th: Mercury goes direct - At least this bodes better for holiday travel! I’d still plan plenty of time at the airport though, we’re not out of the shadow yet.
December 18th: Lillith opposite Chiron - Two misfits face off in the sky, one a wounded healer, the other a woman scorned…who will survive? But seriously, take care of your shadowy parts today, they may be fighting amongst themselves.
December 19th: Venus trine Jupiter - Lucky in luck and lucky in love. Gamble on something or someone shiny today, you just might hit the jackpot.
December 21st: Sun into Capricorn - The Winter Solstice! This is the REAL start to the new year so you’re welcome to start setting your intentions now & just letting them leak over into January 1st.
December 23rd: Venus sextile Chiron - Love the wounded parts of yourself and of those you hold dear. Not everyone is showing up their best, but they’re still showing up and that counts for something.
December 24th: Jupiter square Saturn - Lessons in making your own luck and breaking generational cycles hit just in time for Christmas Eve. Ask Santa for some scissors to cut ancestral cords.
December 26th: Mercury opposite Jupiter - Bad luck in communication is possible today. If you can, hold your tongue until later.
December 29th: Chiron direct - Reflect on the past year and what sort of wounds you’ve healed. That’s worth celebrating, even if it feels a bit tender.
December 29th: Capricorn New Moon - Is it a blue moon if it’s not full? It’s the second in the calendar month anyway so you get a bonus wish before the year is out. Make it count.
December 31st: Mercury trine Chiron - You may receive an unexpected opportunity to have a conversation that feels healing. Whether it’s therapy, and apology, or just a chat with a high-vibe friends, enjoy it.