Astro-Forecast: January 2025
*As always, this list does not contain all transits, only those deemed most important by intuition.
January 2nd: Venus enters Pisces - Daydreamy codependency. Be careful who you give your heart to; make sure their actions match their words.
January 6th: Mars retrogrades back into Cancer - Emotional warfare. Be wary of manipulative patterns in relationships, both from others and yourself. The only one responsible for your feelings is you.
January 8th: Mercury enters Capricorn, Sun square Chiron - Business-like communication stylings will serve you well as the Sun highlights your deepest wounds. Make like a Brit & keep a stiff upper lip until you can sort things out in the appropriate setting (see: therapy).
January 13th: Full Moon in Cancer - Nurture your emotions and that will nurture your relationships. Self-care is an act of selflessness. Take a bath or be near water; wash away what doesn’t heal you.
January 14th: Venus square Jupiter - Love and luck are in opposition today. Choose the one that serves you best at this time & leave the other option behind, just for the day.
January 15th: Sun opposite Mars - Tempers & passions either flare or extinguish completely, there is no in-between in this energy. Take a nap if you’re feeling like a cranky baby, this mood will soon pass.
January 18th: Venus conjunct Saturn - Love is our greatest teacher, stay open to what you have yet to learn. Sometimes lessons happen outside of our romantic connections.
January 19th: Mercury sextile Saturn & Venus, Sun enters Aquarius - Just as the sun enters the sign of free love, communication between lovers sweetens and lessons feel lighter. Unconventional partnerships shine.
January 21st: Mercury squares Chiron, Pluto Cazimi (+ the day after Inauguration Day in the U.S.)— Talking about our sorest issues becomes extra difficult today as the Sun highlights our need for big societal change. Do the inner work before trying to fight any external battles. If you cannot approach the situation with an open mind and neutral emotions, put it off until another day.
January 23rd: Mars sextile Uranus, Mercury square Lillith, Mercury opposite Mars, Mercury trine Uranus, Mars square Lillith - How we approach communication and battle is changing, but we’re still finding the right balance. One part of us wants to pretend we’re strong while the other wants to cry. The answer is making time for both, not just for ourselves but for the opposition as well.
January 25th: Venus trine Mars - We are healing. Make space for love and anger within your heart. Two things can be true at the same time.
January 27th: Mercury enters Aquarius, Mercury trine North Node - Communications are evolving as we use new technology to better understand the path forward. Just because it’s new doesn’t make it evil.
January 29th: North Node retrogrades back into Pisces, Mercury conjunct Pluto, Aquarius New Moon - Two steps forward, one step back. Think of whatever comes up today as a dance rather than a setback. Set intentions for doing things differently than you have before.
January 30th: Uranus direct, Sun trine Jupiter - Change is coming and luck is on our side. Clarify where you’ll steer this ship to avoid any icebergs up ahead.