Astro-Forecast: September 2024
Apologies, this month’s forecast is a day late.
If you’ve read my previous blog post on cleansing a new space, you’ll be able to discern why. Thankfully, this timing allows me to read the energy just as the New Moon in Virgo hits its peak…and what better time to be clear and concise about new beginnings?
As always, this is not a complete list of the planetary happenings for the next 30 days, just a snapshot of the transits that pull at my intuition.
September 2024:
September 1st: Uranus Retrograde begins - Uranus on a normal day is that weird, loose-cannon kid in class who says something unexpected to the teacher just to shake things up. This retrograde energy feels like a mix of intensifying and quieting that aspect of ourselves—the saying something part, not the weirdness. The weirdness will remain either way and likely will feel intensified. Some days, you’ll feel like a reclusive, mad scientist retreating to do weird experiments in your lab, others, you might find you’re alienating even the most counter-culture of audiences by speaking before the collective is ready to hear.
September 1st: Pluto Retrograde moves back into Capricorn - This is the big one. I’ve been reminding everyone of this transit since the start of the year. Pluto is the planet of generational change and it’s been waffling back and forth between Capricorn and Aquarius for several months, but this is its FINAL ROUND in Capricorn which means that chapter is wrapping up for our lifetime. Capricorn deals with work, money, power, and the value of the almighty dollar over humanity (in shadow, of course) so we’ll be seeing the last, dying gasp of these themes popping up on the global stage as well as in our personal lives.
Remember: what we’re healing on a micro level is always reflected in the macro and visa versa. So if you witness something outdated happening in the world around you from September to mid-November, in addition to taking action (like getting your butt to the polls on November 5th, Americans!), ask yourself where this same theme shows up in your psyche. I guarantee there’s a similar wound waiting to be healed that will speed the progress of the collective.
September 2nd: Mercury trine Chiron - A good day to journal out what you’ve healed, what you’re currently healing, and what remains to be healed. Keeping a written record will help bolster your progress in the future.
September 2nd: Virgo New Moon - This is technically the start of eclipse season since this moon will work its way to fullness and go dark mid-month while in Pisces. Virgo likes a plan so use this new moon to plot out how you’ll get your ducks in a row to facilitate big change around September 17th.
September 4th: Mars enters Cancer - As someone with a soft, sensitive Cancer sun, Mars in Cancer always amuses me. This is very “I fight you because I care” energy which can sometimes show up in shadow (read: abusive relationship dynamics), but can also show up as a firey, passionate drive to want the best for someone so much that you forget to listen to what they want. So forgive yourself if love feels like it has some sharp corners this month, but soften them by listening as much as you “advise” (ahem, or demand).
September 4th: Venus opposite North Node - The north node is always about your progress forward into new lessons this lifetime. When a planet is opposite it, it’s sitting in your south node where the tendency to repeat old patterns is at an all-time high. With Venus in this arena, you’ll need to shift the way you habitually view love, beauty, and abundance to make space for a perspective more fitting who you’re becoming. Get curious about what those new beliefs might look like.
September 6th: Mercury square Uranus - You know how I mentioned an alienating conversational energy during Uranus Rx? This might be a day that rears its ugly head. Don’t get too caught up in whether or not everyone understands you, but also, if you don’t want to feel misunderstood, hold your tongue on discussing topics, projects, or ideas that push the boundaries of normalcy…just for a day or two.
September 7th: Sun opposite Saturn - What lessons have you been hiding away in your binder hoping there’s snow on their due day? Everything is digital these days, baby. You’re gonna have to turn in your work. Review the areas of your life you’ve been ignoring lately and see what loose ends need wrapping up or the Universe will give you the assignment anyway with a much harsher deadline.
September 15th: Venus trine Jupiter - This is a very lucky day for all things Venusian: love, money, & beauty. To use this energy to your best advantage, check which houses Libra (Venus) and Gemini (Jupiter) reside in within your birth chart.
Want to know more about how that astrology connects to your current story? Request a Clarity Coaching Session for 1:1 advice.
September 16th: Venus opposite Chiron - Expect new patterns in your relationship habits to arise, moving you towards connections that bolster your healing.
September 17th: Pisces Full Moon eclipse - They’re here! The eclipses, that is. Change is upon us. It’s not always comfortable, but it is always necessary. Something is shaking up in whatever house holds Pisces in your chart. Welcome it, even if it’s unexpected.
September 18th: Mercury opposite Saturn - You’ve been pulled towards an important change in your daily habits since March of last year. Review old journals or planners to find out what you felt inspired to start then for more clarity on what you should be fully integrating now.
September 19th: Sun trine Uranus - This is a lucky day to let that mad scientist out of the lab. You might find a new collaborator or a willing audience for your mad ideas.
September 20th: Sun opposite Neptune - Allow yourself to stay in and daydream today whenever possible. Through your imagination, you’ll find clarity on how to step into your power.
September 22nd: Sun enters Libra - Happening just a few hours after the Sun trines Pluto, the start of Libra season brings the end of an old chapter and the start of something new in your relationship dynamics. Whether they’re romantic, platonic, or business-related, embrace new ways of connecting this month.
September 22nd: Venus squares Pluto - Expect your daydreams about relationships to get a bit of a reality check. Trust that it’s for your greater good that the rose-colored glasses are off.
September 22nd: Venus enters Scorpio - As if there wasn’t enough relationship upheaval today, Scorpio challenges you to examine the shadow side of your romantic expectations. What childhood wounds are dictating your romantic expectations? Can you heal them yourself through therapy, breath work, or EFT to avoid repeating unnecessary patterns in your love life?
September 24th: Mercury trine Uranus - The energy of September 6th gets flipped on its head. This is your green light to discuss your favorite weird, counterculture concepts, projects, and ideas to move society forward.
September 26th: Mercury enters Libra - Communicate your needs in partnerships. Your lover/friend/co-worker is not a mind reader. Stop stewing in silence.
September 28th: Sun opposite North Node - Don’t retreat into old ways of being just because getting everything you ever wanted feels scary.
September 29th: Mercury opposite North Node - Copy, paste, slight edit: Don’t retreat into old ways of communicating just because getting everything you ever wanted feels scary.
September 30th: Mercury Cazimi in Libra - A major boost of energy bursts into the area of your life ruled by the house Libra resides in your natal chart. Need a translator for your personal house placements? Again, you should click here.